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Lids and Bags and Rims... oh my!

Over the past couple months, a lot has changed over here at Tayst.   We've been working with our partners in our ongoing efforts to support the planet and sustainability.


While so much has changed, the one thing that will never change is the great tasting coffee we all fell in love with.

Change is Good!  Here's a couple of adjustments we hope you've noticed.

Coffee Name on our Lids
We're really excited to have our new lids with their coffee names on them. Its been a long time coming, but now you can't mix up Magnificent with Heroic.   

coffee pod for keurig

Compostable Bag*
The thorn in our "eco" side were the "unrecyclable" silver bags our compostable pods* came in.  We hated it, and as we grew and saw more bags going out, it was imperative that we find an alternative.  While the new bag isn't perfect, we're working to make it better.  Getting our entire coffee experience, both bag and pod, to be earth friendly feels great.  

New Rim
We've been working on a new compostable rim* for quite some time.  Over the past couple months, we began producing our coffee pods in these new rims.  The rims are made from compressed corn starch and a coffee byproduct.  The new material is a bit stronger with the better compostable* timing.

last, but not least...
Better, Flexible mesh Filter
Some folks were having some pods open up under the water pressure from their Keurig machines.  No More!  As with any new technology, there are always bumped (or tears) in the road.  We adjusted our mesh filter to be more flexible so that the high water pressure wouldn't rip through the pod as it brews.  Sorry to all those that had an issue.  We appreciate your patience as we continue to get better!

All in all it's been an amazing, fun, stressful and exhilerating year over here at Tayst.  We really owe it all to you.  Thanks!  We appreciate all of our customers that enjoy our product each day and look forward to introducing you to some new products we have in the works.

Craig & Greg
